Sunday, 8 June 2014

10 Wonderful Foods That Will Give You Great Skin

There are many tasty foods that can give you great skin, and including some of them in your eating plan is essential. When you have a healthy skin, you look much younger and fresher, no matter how old you are. The foods you consume every day play a significant role in the health of your skin as well as your overall health. Nowadays it’s hard to choose foods that are tasty and healthy at the same time. 

Hopefully, this list of 7 foods to eat to have a gorgeous skin will help you keep your skin healthy and young.

1.Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are rich in omega-3’s that play a critical role in controlling the appearance of age spots and fine lines. A study shows that consuming flax seeds every day helps relieve skin redness and irritation and helps make skin look fresh and soft. Add some flax seeds to your oatmeal, smoothies or your favorite muffin recipe.

2. Purple & blue fruits

Purple and blue fruits are among the best foods to eat for a great skin. Blueberries, blackberries and plums are all rich in antioxidants, which combat free radical damage. If you don’t know, free radicals come from a poor diet or chemicals in the environment. Purple and blue fruits can also help keep your skin looking younger longer.

3. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are high in vitamin E, an important nutrient that helps protect your skin from the daily sun damage. Sunflower seeds make a perfect, portable snack to eat on the go. You can also use these wonderful seeds in your oatmeal, salads, cereal, or trail mix. Just make sure you don’t add too much salt to your salads, salt isn’t good for your skin.

4. Chocolate

The great news for all chocolate lovers,chocolate is good for your skin, despite all the myths that it causes acne. I love dark chocolate and eat it almost daily (of course, in moderation), and from personal experience I can say that chocolate doesn’t cause acne. Chocolate actually increases flavonol intake that translates to gorgeous skin. Since chocolate has some calories, make sure you eat it in moderation.

5. Sweet potatoes

I was really happy to learn that sweet potatoes are good for skin. They are high in vitamins A and C, which are both essential for glowing and healthy skin. The thing is, vitamin C increases collagen production that keeps your skin supple and smooth, and vitamin A is a potent antioxidant that fights free radical damage and prevents skin cancer. I think it’s a great reason to add sweet potatoes to your eating plan.

6. Tomatoes

When I did my research, I was surprised to find out that tomatoes are good for skin. Many people say that eating tomatoes can cause acne. But tomatoes are an excellent source of antioxidants, namely lycopene, which helps improve skin health as well as protects pigmentation. Add tomatoes to your salads or put some on a sandwich. When you cook tomatoes, you increase their lycopene content, so feel free to eat pizza sauce and marinara too.

7. Yogurt

One of the best snacks that most of us like is yogurt. Did you know that it’s great for your skin? Yogurt contains protein that keeps your skin firm and that helps fight the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Stay away from fruity versions since they are packed with sugar. Opt instead for plain yogurt and add some fresh fruits to it to make it more delicious.

8. Red Bell pepper

Whether cooked or raw, red bell peppers can also give you great skin . One red bell pepper has over 100% of your everyday vitamin C needs. It’s high in vitamin B6, dietary fiber and carotenoids that help fight wrinkles and increase blood flow to your skin, helping you look more youthful. Eating red bell peppers can also help combat acne. It’s an easy and delicious snack that has only 30 calories. A bell pepper contains fiber that helps you to feel full longer so if you are on a diet and you want to have a perfect skin, add red bell peppers to your everyday diet.

9. Salmon

Salmon is packed with vitamin D that is responsible for keeping your brain, heart, bones and colon healthy. It helps reduce anxiety, depression, and prevent colon cancer, bone disease and heart disease. Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids that help hydrate your skin from the inside out as well as help fight inflammation, acne and wrinkles. Plus, consuming salmon regularly keeps your scalp hydrated and promotes healthy, strong hair.

10. Spinach

Spinach is a nutrient-rich food you should definitely include into your eating plan. It’s an excellent source of Vitamin E, iron, chlorophyll, folate, magnesium, fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and plant protein, which are all great for your skin. Spinach is also packed with antioxidants that help prevent different types of skin problems. You can use spinach in your green smoothies or add it to your salads. Eating spinach regularly will help clean your skin from the inside out.

What do you eat for perfect skin? Feel free to share on comments area, thanks for reading :)

Saturday, 7 June 2014

12 THings To Tell Our daughters Before 13

1. I love YOU..

When we mean it the words I LOVE YOU have to be the most powerful sentence in the world.

YOU is perhaps the key of it.👧

EVERY SINGLE GIRL should know that her parents cherish her.

The shy girl, the funny girl, the straight A girl and the B- girl, the special needs girl,

the curvy girl, the skinny one, the short one, the tall one.

That girl, the one that belongs to you, to me,  deserves to hear and feel the words,

I love YOU as  YOU are!

2.The size of your pants will never determined the size of your heart.

We live in a time where images are everything. We have the power to alter any picture in a second.

” Making the good look bad and the bad look good. “

More than ever I think we need to teach our girls that the size of our hearts

 will always be far more important that the size of their pants.

More than ever I believe we should use adjectives as strong, smart, wise, powerful, beautiful, kind

instead of skinny, cute, perfect, big, small, to build their character.

3.You were born with your own dignity therefore

no one can take it away from you.

My mom used to tell me this from a very young age.These words of my mom came into my mind.

 I had the right to defend it. My life was affected by the outcome of these simple words greatly.

Every girl deserves to grow with such confidence.

4.Keep your panties on at all times

Reminder which are important to all girls.

5.Don’t do DRUGS.

They will…

D: destroy you.

R: ruin your youth and maybe your life.

U: unhappiness will be around you.

G:grief and S: sorrow will follow them.

6.Remember who you are.

I tell this to myself most of the time, whenever I felt left out ,or sad..

Kids don’t need to know perfectly who they are yet,

they are evolving, reinventing and getting to know themselves everyday.

I believe they just need to remember the value of their souls.

Children can even remind us who we are.

My kids are my heroes. I wish I could love as unconditionally as they love.

I wish I could forgive as they do it.

I wish I could be as willing to learn as they are.

The best way to remember anything is repetition.

We need to tell our daughters often how amazing they are.

We must repeat it time after time.

We need to recognize their talents and spend our lives trying to build them up.

I promise you they will remember who they are if their parents and loved ones tell them often.

7. As your parent I will say no, because I know you can say yes to wonderful things.

That’s right!

Yes to your dreams. Yes to an education.

Yes to experiences that will make your heart full.

Yes to a future. NO is all about YES!

8.I know you may hate our rules, but our rules love you.

Would you ever ask a policemen if you could go 100 miles an hour in a school zone?

Would you ever ask a dentist to do a brain surgery?

Would you ever ask your mother in law to love you as much as she loves her son?

No? Why?

Because we know the rules. Because we understand the consequences.

Because we want to be safe.

Because you know better than to mess with your mother in law.

We need to create for our daughters a set of a few clear fair rules that they will know that we won’t compromise.

In order for this to work we must explain that the reasons why we won’t compromise

has nothing to do with pride or power but with love and safety.

Be CLEAR to the point.

9. Value your opinion.

Sometimes when u feel like u've something to tell, to show ur opinion but you being too scared.. Tell them once in a while of not being too scare just let us (parents) know of their opinion.

 Believe me this is the starting of bonding-trust between mom n daughters. Soon they gona through tough times. Sometimes we could be too scary for the kids 😅

10.Friendship and popularity are not the same thing.

I think this is a serious struggle for those sweet 12 years old girls. They want to be accepted, they want to be liked.

It is our responsibility as parents to know our kids friends. My mum was a wise woman.

My home was always open to my friends, she knew them well, she even took the time to get to know their parents. (Even she doesn't look like care)

She was ahead of the game and everyone loved her.

11.Have fun!

12.Yes, you can!

We should be the biggest fans our daughters would ever have.

We should encourage them to believe they can do anything.

The world will tell them they can’t quite often.

I hope we are the ones to say YOU CAN all the time!

12 + 1 = 13


One of the most beautiful habits i can pass to my kids is the gift of reading.

There is a good chance that they will read if we read.

One of my personal traditions with my kids is that I would try to buy new books every 1-2months. Story books, alphabet or even puzzles. Sometimes art work@ craft would be better ,they enjoy it.

The books now are more intense than before, but when I don’t read @ do artwork with them, they complain.

I really think they will remember this tradition forever.…..

Lastly,I am not an expert when it comes to parenting. I was just lucky enough to be a 12 year old girl that had a mother that loved her for who she was.

She always there for me every ups & downs..

Thank you mum!

Rest in peace😪

I promise to make u proud someday..